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The Eastern Orthodox Church remains faithful to Christ’s Ministry on Earth and the traditions passed down by the Church Fathers.  The Church follows Christ’s Gospel, along with the Epistles and teachings of the Early Christian Church. 


The Nicene Creed of 325AD, after the Roman Empire’s acceptance of the true Christian Faith, gave birth to the Liturgical services within the Byzantine era and the Liturgies of St John Chrysostom and St Basil, which continue to be in use, largely unchanged, and of which the Liturgy of St John Chrysostom is most prominent.  The Divine Liturgy is served all over the world and in many different local languages.


Christ’s Resurrection is at the core of every service and expressed in the texts of its hymns and readings.  Ever since the Ascension and Pentecost, the Holy Spirit has worked in the Holy Church to inspire and teach, and to comfort and save our Souls. The faithful await and look for The Parousia, or second coming of Christ. 


The Saints’ lives and works, from the Old Testament times through to this day, serve as inspiration to practising Christians.  Church life is founded on and continues to be strengthened by the examples set by the Saints, particularly by the many Martyrs among them. 

OSt John the Theologian Russian Orthodox Church Norwich Norfolk

The interiors of traditional Orthodox Church buildings are arranged along similar lines.   A painted Iconostasis separates the Sanctuary, or altar, from the Nave, where the Laity stand.  Large icons portray Jesus and Mary, Birthgiver of God.  Icons on The Holy Doors of the Iconostasis often depict the four Evangelists and the Annunciation.


Iconographic depiction of Christ, Theotokos or God Bearer, John the Baptist, the Holy Apostles, and the Saints and Prophets, generate prayerful response in Church services and Parishioners’ lives.  Painting of Icons continues according to Holy Tradition to the present day, and depict Orthodox Saints from throughout the world. 


The words sung by the Choir carry valuable theological information and teachings, and need to be understood in the participants’ own languages.  Ultimately this is the Church’s Mission in the world - to seek and to save that which was lost and to bring the faithful to our Saviour, Jesus Christ the Son of God. 

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